Azpeitia. Cavaillé-Coll organ (1889), Basilica of Loiola.

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Another fine example of a romantic organ in the final period of the famous organ maker, Cavaillé-Coll, and which has maintained its original state, without having suffered acoustic transformations. It cost 50,000 pesetas.

Charles Carloni, the person mainly responsible at Cavaillé-Coll for most of the organ installations in Spain, directed the installation of this instrument. Particularly interesting is the internal location of the pipes and the machinery of the instrument in a very confined space and the existence of a Trompeta de Batalla that does not figure on the console, being operated by means of a hooked pedal. It was restored in 1973 by Organería Española S.A.

It has three manuals, each with a compass of 56 notes and one pedalboard of 30, with a total of 37 stops.


I Teclado

Principal 26
Violón 26
Flautado 13
Salicional 13
Flauta Armónica 13
Violón 13
Lleno 5 puntos
Trompeta Magna 26
Trompeta Real 13

II Teclado

Principal 13
Unda Maris 13
Violón 13
Dulciana 61/2
Campanilla 1-3 h.




III Teclado

Flauta Travesera 13
Viola de Gamba 13
Voz Celeste 13
Flauta Octvª 61/2
Trompeta 13
Voz Humana
Corneta 5 puntos





Flautado Mayor 26
Contrabajo 26
Flautado 13
Bombarda 26
Trompeta 13






Enganches: I/P, II/P, III/P, II/I, III/I, III/II. Llamadas lengüetería exterior e interior. Trémolo II y III. Octavas graves I. Octavas graves III/I. Máquina neumática. Tempestad. Pedales de expresión II y III.