Villabona. Eleizgaray y Cia. organ (1920), parish church of el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.

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After leaving his workshop in Barcelona, Aquilino Amezua first set up in Pasaia/Pasajes and later in Azpeitia, before moving finally to San Sebastián-Hernani. After leaving Azpeitia, his widow was associated with other organ makers, giving rise to the name, Vda. de Amezua, Aragonés, F. Eleizgaray y Cia. Subsequently, it became known as Eleizgaray y Cia., initiating a period of great industrial activity, installing numerous instruments throughout Spain and South America.

The Villabona organ is the most important one built by this company in the province of Gipuzkoa. The case has a neogothic case and is presided by the coat of arms of Gipuzkoa. It has three manuals, each with a compass of 56 notes and one pedalboard of 30, with a total of 32 stops.

It has electrical transmission. Its sound characteristics are those of a post-romantic instrument.


I Teclado II Teclado III Teclado Pedal
Flautado de Gamba 16
Montre 8
Flauta Armónica 8
Violón 8
Flauta Dulce 8
Octava 4
Octavín 2
Lleno 4h.
Trompeta 8
Bordón 8
Eoliana 8
Voz Celeste 8
Flauta Trav. 4
Piccolo 2
Clarinete 8
Fagot-Oboe 8
Bordón 16
Flauta Magna 8
Cor de nuit 8
Viola de Gamba 8
Voz Angélica 8
Quintatón 8
Fugara 4
Flautín 2
Corneta 5h.
Trompeta 8
Clarín 4
Voz Humana 8
Grandes Contras 16
Subajo 16
Principal 8
Bordón 8
Enganches: II/I, III/I, III/II, I/P, II/P, III/P. Octavas graves III/I. Octavas agudas III/I. Trémolo II y III. Exclusión de Lengüetería. Exclusión de Mixturas. Combinaciones fijas (PP, P, MF, F, Tutti). Dos combinaciones libres. Pedales de expresión II y III.