Donostia - San Sebastián. Cavaillé-Coll organ, 1868 (enlarged by Puget of Toulouse in 1893 and renovated by Mutin in 1904), parish church of San Vicente.

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A very beautiful example of a romantic period organ habitually used for the most important organ concerts held in the city of San Sebastián. In 1980 it was restored by the Usabiaga brothers of Hernani (also Gipuzkoa), and in September 2000 the inauguration of the last restoration – by the French company, Renaud-Menoret – took place.

It has three manuals of 56 notes and a pedalboard of 30, with a total of 35 stops.


I Teclado

Principal 16
Bordón 16
Principal 8
Flauta Armónica 8
Salicional 8
Bordón 8
Octava 4
Tapadillo 4
Quincena 2
Lleno 3h.
Fagot 16
Trompeta Real 8
Clarín 4

II Teclado

Diapasón 8
Bordón Armónico 8
Unda Maris 8
Violoncello 8
Bascatibia 4
Trompeta 8
Clarín 4
Clarinete 8
CornetaCarillón 3h.



III Teclado

Flauta Armónica 8
Viola de Gamba 8
Voz Celeste 8
Flauta Octaviante 4
Octavín 2
Trompeta Armónica 8
Fagot-Oboe 8
Voz Humana 8




Subajo 16/32
Contrabajo 16
Flauta Abierta 8
Bombarda 16
Trompeta Real 8





Enganches: I/P-II/P-III/P-II/I-III/I-III/II. Octavas graves II/I, III/I. Máquina neumática. Llamadas de Lengüetería: General, I, II, III, P. Trémolos II-III. Trueno. Pedales de expresión II y III.