Errenteria. Aquilino Amezua / Amezua y Cia. organ (1893/1931), parish church of Santa Maria de la Asunción.

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In 1893 Aquilino Amezua built this instrument which originally had two manuals. In 1931 Amezua y Cia., successor company of this organ maker, considerably enlarged the instrument, opening a third keyboard. In 1959 the organ makers, Leocadio Galdós and Ignacio Caucal restored it. Important revamping of this organ currently being carried out, respecting its basic original features, is due to finish in 2008. The project of organ maker Federico Acitores has the following features:
three manual keyboards, each with a compass of 61 notes and one pedalboard of 30, with a total of 43 stops

a console with mechanical transmission of notes. Electronic adjustable combination system of registers with 4,000 memories.


I Teclado II Teclado III Teclado Expresivo Pedal
Gran Flautado 16
Principal 8
Flauta Armónica 8
Viola 8
Violón 8
Octava 4
Flauta dulce 4
Docena 2 2/3
Quincena 2
Lleno IV-V
Corneta V
Fagot 16
Trompeta 8
Clarín armónico 4
Violón dulce 16
Diapasón 8
Flauta 8
Violoncello 8
Violón 8
Unda Maris 8
Principal 4
Ocarina 4
Mixtura II
Trompeta 8
Clarinete 8
Clarín 4
Flauta de Concierto 8
Viola de Gamba 8
Cor de Nuit 8
Voz Celeste 8
Flauta Octaveante 4
Nasardo armónico 2 2/3
Octavín armónico 2
Tercera armónica 1 3/5
Fagot y Oboe 8
Voz Humana 8
Contrabajo 16
Subbajo 16
Quinta 10 2/3
Contras 8
Bordón 8
Tenor 4
Lleno 2 2/3
Bombarda 16
Trompeta 8
Clarín 4
Enganches:  II/I, III/I, III/II, II/II 8ª grave, II/I 8ª grave, II/I 8ª aguda, III/I 8ª grave, I/P, II/P, III/P, III/P 8ª aguda. Temblante suave II, Temblante fuerte III.