Segura. Juan Dourte organ (1930), parish church of la Asunción de Nuestra Señora.

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Juan Dourte was born in Getxo (Bizkaia) in 1895. In 1924 the organ-making company with his name began to operate, winning the Grand Prix at the Barcelona International Exhibition in 1929. It would appear that his initiation to the organ came through Juan Melcher. The Dourte company built many organs throughout Spain and in a number of South American countries, too. This one was restored by Bernal-Korta in 1986. It is an instrument characteristic of the final period of the romantic organ.

It has two manuals of 61 notes and a pedalboard of 30, with a total of 22 stops. It works on a mechanical-pneumatic system.


I Teclado II Teclado Pedal
Violón 16
Flautado 8
Flauta Armónica 8
Salicional 8
Bordón 8
Octava 4
Lleno 3h.
Trompeta Real 8
Principal 8
Flauta de Concierto 8
Cor de Nuit 8
Viola de Gamba 8
Voz Celeste 8
Octaviante 4
Octavín 2
Trompeta Armónica 8
Clarín 4
Fagot-Oboe 8
Bajo Dulce 16
Subajo 16
Contrabajo 8
Bajo Suave 8
Enganches: I/P, II/P, II/I. Combinaciones fijas (P,MF,F). Anulador. Una combinación libre. Octavas agudas y graves II/I. Trémolo I y II. Llamada de Lengüetería. Piano pedal automático. Sacarregistros (botón para que funcionen los registros). Pedal de crescendo y pedal de expresión para todo el órgano.