Deba. Grenzing organ (2009), parish church of Santa Maria la Real.

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This new instrument has been inaugurated in 2009. Its construction plan aims to have a contemporary organ with polyphonic sound characteristics, heir in the continuing tradition of organ making in Gipuzkoa between the end of the XVII century and the XVIII century. In that period instruments of great import and beauty were built such as the baroque organ of Ataun in 1761 and the Spanish organs the main innovative examples of which were the work of the organ maker, the Franciscan Fray Joseph de Echevarria, born in Eibar, Gipuzkoa.

The layout and various elements of the organ case are inspired by motifs linked with the church and the town of Deba, amongst which are the design of the existing gothic altarpiece of the church, inspiration for the organ case. This shows a distaff of the wool spinner of local legend, to be seen in one of the stained glass windows of the church; likewise, the coat of arms of Deba which crowns the organ.

Regarding acoustics, the blending of the traditional with the modern has been sought. As regards tradition, the softness of the sound of the organs, such as the previously mentioned Ataun instrument, has been taken into account. The Trompetería de Batalla has an important representation that include stops of 26, 13 y 6½ hands by means of divided stops. Stops such as Tercerilla,so characteristic of the XVIII century Spanish organ, and Juguetes (sound effects), also from the same period, has been included.  Likewise, the organ has a Cadereta Expresiva (not romantic), this being understood to be a development of the first stops to appear in Spanish baroque organs inside a case and that could be opened and shut by means of a lever.

In general, the rest of the organ is influenced by contemporaneity, enabling all kinds of music to be played, with special attention to polyphonic performance. The organ has three manuals of 56 notes and a pedalboard of 30, with a total of 35 non-divided stops (four by partial extension) and an electronic adjustable combination system. The playing system is mechanical.


I Teclado II Teclado III Teclado Pedal
Flautado Mayor 26
Flautado 13
Flauta de Chimenea 13
Octava 6½
Flauta Dulce 6½
Docena Nazarda
Quincena Clara
Lleno IV
Tercerilla III
Corneta Real VI (Tiples)
Trompeta Real 13
Clarín 61/2    
Flauta de Chimenea 13
Flauta Dulce 6½
Quincena 2 + 1 1/3
Trompeta de Batalla (Bajos) 13
Trompeta de Batalla (Tiples) 13
Bajoncillo (Bajos) 6½
Trompeta Magna (Tiples) 26
Flautado Violón 13
Flauta Travesera 13
Octava 6½
Tapadillo 6½
Docena Nazarda
Quincena Nazarda
Nazardo 17ª
Lleno III-IV
Fagot 26
Trompeta 13
Oboe 13
Contras 26
Contras tapadas 26
Contras 13
Contras tapadas 13
Contras en Octava 6½
Bombarda 26
Trompeta 13
Juguetes: Tambor y Timbal. Gaita. Cascabeles. Pájaros. Temblante. Rueda de Campanas
Acoplamientos: II/I, III/I, II 16/I. I/P, II/P, III/P.
